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TV Content Aggregation

“GeoTelecommunications”, LLC gives pay TV providers a possibility of access to various TV channels integrated packages. The company teleport is a site where over 80 Russian and foreign TV channels are aggregated. This technical feature allows GT to supply TV channels signals in the open or encrypted mode to operators that officially transmit them via fiber-optic communication lines. Television channels signals can be delivered in the following format: ASI, SDI, IP Multicast, IP Unicast. GT also delivers television channels to TCKMT* (GCUMS)**, MMTS-10***, MMTS-9**** and other major commutation centres in Moscow.

Taking aggregated tv channels from “GeoTelecommunications”, LLC is a real possibility to make your business-scheme easier and more effective. Taking aggregated tv channels from “GeoTelecommunications”, LLC is a real possibility to make your business-scheme easier and more effective.

Having made license agreements with broadcasters and obtained permission documents from them, content providers get access to the majority of tv channels they need at a single location – GT teleport. Such a scheme is very convenient both for starting providers and for those who wish to expand the tv channels package provided or optimize expenses.

* Long-Distance TV Commutation Technical Centre (Tekhnicheski centr kommutacii mezhdugorodnego televideniya, TCKMT), OJSC “Rostelecom”;

** The General Intercity Telecommunication and TV Coordination Centre ,Glavny centr upravleniya mezhdugorodnimi svyazyami itelevideniem, GCUMS), OJSC “Rostelecom”;

*** Moscow Long-Distance Commutation Center (Moskovskaya Mezhdugorognaya TelefonnayaStantsiya, MMTS-10) OJSC “Rostelecom”;

**** Moscow Long-Distance Commutation Center (Moskovskaya Mezhdugorognaya Telefonnaya Stantsiya, MMTS-9) OJSC “Rostelecom”.